Friday, August 26, 2011

The Industry: The Tables are Turning

The entertainment industry use to seem like this whole nother world to me when I was a young boy. I thought that in order to be in the circle of Hollywood, you had to be discovered. I thought that record companies and movie studios sent people out to look for talent in these uncommon places. As I grew older, my perception of the industry changed. I thought that in order to breakthrough, it was all about who you knew. Connections, connections! That was my frame of mind. In recent months I have acquired information that has shown me that in order to break into the business, you have to do it yourself.

Sure, there are a few magical instances where fate deals some unsuspecting Joe a winning hand, and before you know it, you have another Rebecca Black or Susan Boyle on your hands. However, with the entertainment industry changing drastically, in order to be taken seriously in this industry you have to be smart and cunning.

The key to this is self-publishing and self-distribution. Over the past month I have learned that you dont have to have a major studio to back your project. You don't have to have a major record label to be a music star, at least not initially. With the digital age, more and more information is becoming available. Now, that agent that you were waiting on to discover you, here's his info. Everything is up for grabs.

With the industry doing this massive overhaul, one must wonder. What is the future for these huge media  corporations. When your film is shot, produced, written, edited and distributed all by you, and it becomes widely successful, then who needs a studio. Who needs a record label when all you have is a Mac Book, ProTools, and a vivid imagination. Eventually, some of them will fall and make room for new companies. I seriously predict that in 20 years, big corporations like Warner Bros. Viacom, etc. will all be struggling to maintain, if they're even around at all.

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